Ace and Aro Spectrum

Last updated August 9, 2022

“An asexual person is a person who does not experience sexual attraction.”

— Asexual Visibility and Education Network

  • Ace & Aro Spectrum Definitions | Oxford University LGBTQ+ Society defining identities, attraction and relationships, attitudes, and concepts.

  • Aces & Aros | A hub of information including local groups, stories, educational handouts, books, forums, presentations, and more.

  • Ace Dad Advice | Cody is an asexual writer who posts educational content on Instagram and TikTok, with an advice column available on the site.

  • Arocalypse | Forum for aros to chat.

  • The Asexual Agenda | Blog that features resources, Ace Journal Club via Discord, and highlights other blogs.

  • Asexuality Archive | Features numerous articles and resources such as guides, questions, and activism tips.

  • Asexuality: A Brief Introduction | PDF and paperback versions available.

  • Asexual Visibility and Education Network & AVEN Forums | Offers support for people who identify as asexual all over the world. Check out this post on the forums that features a well-done comic on Asexuality.

  • AUREA | The Aromantic-spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy features vocabulary, research, online resources, in-person groups, and more.

  • The Intern Investigates: Asexuality & Allosexuality | Written by Emmett DuPont (they/them pronouns) busts some of the myths regarding asexuality and defines both asexuality and allosexuality.

  • Them & Theirs: A Roundtable on Asexuality | Them & Theirs is a series of roundtables on relationships, love, and sexuality, moderated by associate editor, Tyler Ford. For their first roundtable on asexuality, Tyler took to Twitter to find three strangers on the ace spectrum. The participants, Jackie, Kris, and Li, met for the first time in the following group Slack channel.

  • What Is Asexuality: Myths and Truths About Being Asexual | Teen Vogue article written by Yasmin Benoit; includes myths and personal story.


  • Ace Week | Founded as Asexual Awareness Week in 2010, this international movement began as an awareness campaign to encourage LGBTQ+ organizations to support the ace community.

  • Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week | Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW) is an annual, international event meant to spread awareness and acceptance of aromantic spectrum identities and the issues we face, as well as making more people aware of our existence while celebrating it.

  • International Asexuality Day (IAD) | A coordinated worldwide campaign promoting the ace umbrella, including demisexual, grey-asexual, and other ace identities.